
This blog aims to accomplish two things. Given how quickly events are reported, misreported, and dropped by the MSM, we want to go back and see if we can't find some answers to questions that were and were not asked. Second, because the lazy MSM's chief tool for what passes as journalism is to quote pundits without having done any homework,the right questions don't get asked. We want to provide our readers the contact information for these pundits so we can ask them directly.

Friday, January 22, 2010

NY Times Cohen Gives China an Editorial Reach-Around

Roger Cohen's slathering over how great China is in today's Times comes across as some kind of post-coital euphoria after a night on the town with senior Party cadres. I hope he makes sure to pick up some non-bootleg tetracycline in the hotel apothecary!

Sadly though, he is on to something in that, on their respective current trajectories, China and the US (EU too?) will meet, in the not-too-distant future, at a point called corporatocracy.

Long live Stability!

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At 11:04 PM, Blogger ペンギン said... ブランドコピー ルイ・ヴィトンコピー ロレックスコピー ウブロコピー エルメスコピー


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